London Business School
We were very pleased to be chosen to work with the MBA students

How to inspire and motivate people
When they were looking for new suppliers to work with their students and staff, we were asked to run a pilot session along with many other potential training providers.
We were very pleased to be chosen to work with the MBA students, teaching them advanced communication skills, including dynamic presentation skills, how to inspire and motivate people, as well as personality profiling.
Thanks to the success of our work with the MBA program, we have since been asked to work with the Executive MBAs (EMBAs), Masters in Finance, Masters in Management, the Sloan program and the staff.
We are proud to have gained the second highest rating of any training supplier for the MBA students for two years in a row and our ambition is to reach first place very soon! We now teach across all of their programs, working with the Executive MBA students (EMBAs) as well as Masters in Finance, Masters in Management, Alumni and their staff.

“Richard delivers transformational change in how people communicate. It is incredible to observe.”
Di MacDonald, former Head of Learning at Apple and L’Oreal